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Osteopathy & Pregnancy

Supporting your body during pregnancy with osteopathy Osteopathy is a safe and effective way to support your body during pregnancy. We are very privileged to play a role in being able to safely treat musculoskeletal pain associated with pregnancy as well as provide education, reassurance, and support for our patients across all trimesters of pregnancy and beyond. Did you know…
Byron Central Osteo
March 27, 2023

TMJ Dysfunction

Do you get jaw pain or clicking? Do you also suffer from headaches or neck pain? In this blog we’re focusing on our joints in the jaw – what we use them for, how these joints can cause issues and what we at Byron Central Osteopathy can do to help you. A bit of anatomy… The mandible (also known as…
June 2, 2022

Osteo Arthritis: aging and your body

This month we are turning our focus to the elderly – an ever-growing population. Did you know that there are approximately 700 million people in the world aged 60 and over? And did you know that it is estimated that by 2050, there will be around 2 billion people on the planet that fall into this age bracket? That’s just…
June 2, 2022

Pain from within – why pain isn’t always a strain or sprain

Did you know that you don’t always have to strain a muscle or sprain a ligament in order to feel pain? Deep inside your body are the cogs that keep your body ticking over… your organs. We have lots of organs inside us: the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and more. Did you know that when something goes wrong…
June 2, 2022